Saturday 8 December 2007

Gypsy Caravan Holidays - the Hows and Whats...

Ever thought about spending a holiday in a Gypsy Caravan, tingling on remote roads in Ireland, Wales or Scotland? It is certainly an adventure and almost everybody can do it. Even if you have got no experience with horses. How does it work? How much will it cost? What should you take with you? Check out this webpage, there is plenty of information about it.

Friday 7 December 2007

Clydesdales -- Scotland's Draft Horses

Clydesdale horses are Scotland's pride! This is such a huge breed and so well tempered, that you hardly can avoid not to fall in love with them. Their sheer size is most impressive and it is amazing, how well they are to handle. They are kept for driving, farm work, showing and recently gaining popularity as riding horses.The best-known Clydesdales in America is Budweiser's team. The Clydesdale is one of the four heavy draft horse breeds recognized in the UK. It is a very versatile breed and even beginners can ride and handle them. However, one should have a profound horseknowledge before purchasing one.

Equestrian Ski-Joring

Ski Joring

Equestrian Ski Joring is a winter sport where riding and skiing is combined: a horse is pulling a person on ski. Thereby the horse can be ridden by a horseback rider or driven from the person on ski or newer, on a snowboard. It is a very speedy sport that is gaining immensely in popularity.

Its origin is Scandinavia and it has become nowadays a very specialized and highly competitive sport.
Especially in North America (USA, Canada) and in Europe (France, Switzerland) is ski-joring popular.
NASJA is an American Association that would like to make the sport more and more popular in North America.
The competitive version of this winter sport is about speed, jumping over snow ramps and slalom tracks.
To be honest, it looks pretty much fun! See here for more...

Traveling with a Gypsy Caravan - Adventure Pure

Have you ever dreamed to travel with one or two horses in a Gypsy caravan through the countryside?
There are different Vardo designs, but the best-known design is the bow-top or barrel wagon. It is actually a very practical horse-drawn vehicle, you have got everything you need in it: bed, cupboards, "kitchen" and even a small stove can be installed.
In former times traveling folk was using and living in these vehicles. The whole family could sleep in it and often they used also a tent to get more shelter.
Nowadays a horse-drawn caravan can be booked for a certain time, so that you can spend your holidays in such a wagon, traveling at slow speed through the idyllic countryside...
Read on about horse-drawn caravans here.